Accept Humility

Bragging is counterproductive. You simply present the opportunity for your audience to think the opposite. Accept humility before it is forced on you. Master wash their own dishes. Being a Master of Success™, you are happy and feel an incomparable joy simply knowing that you are doing your best, being a good person, and helping others.

In business, sport or everyday relations, always allow your opponent to save face. You won. That should be enough. It costs little to offer your opponent the opportunity to excuse his loss. In fact, you may gain appreciation from many observers. To taunt or shame a defeated opponent may simply set the stage for another confrontation, with the odds stacked against you. Your humiliated opponent may plot to redeem his lost honor by staging a rematch with more allies and more powerful weapons.
If you lose do so with grace. You won’t always win, but you can always do what you believe to be right. For you, there will be another day. If you win be gracious in victory, because someday very soon you will be vulnerable.

Winning provides you with the opportunity to show both mercy and humility.


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