
On your journey, often you will have to pause, take a deep breath and swallow hard.

Mostly, the deserving person gets the break or the promotion. Mostly, better businesses have more customers. Mostly, hard work is respected and appreciated. Mostly, fairly treated employees will respond with loyalty. Mostly, vendors are honest. Mostly, problems beyond your control are treated as such.

But life isn’t always predictable or fair. Expect a few rough patches. Through no fault of your own, you may be let down, lied to, cheated or mocked behind your back. Your trust could be violated, and your loyalty not reciprocated. The sure thing might turn into a disaster.

Even with the best of intentions, with the odds and all indicators in your favor, you will slip and possibly fall. You will lose time and money. Your hope may turn to disappointment. As a Master of Success, you get back up, feel the bruise, learn the lesson and push on.


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