Accepting Daily Life 1

In speaking of the joy of loving, helping and caring for others as you build positive relationships; you realize that your good intentions may not be reciprocated. You are not naïve. You fully realize that there are bad people in the world. There are lazy, boorish, stupid, perverted, mean and inconsiderate people. God gave man free will. Some don’t do very well with this freedom. Some people act badly in moments of decision. Some people act badly almost all the time. As you master success and begin to travel the world, you will find that the overwhelming majority of people from all cultures and all countries are like you with the same aspirations to lead prosperous and peaceful lives. The overwhelming majority anywhere will welcome your hand extended in friendship. Yet, awareness teaches us that some groups must be watched and some individuals must be guarded against.

Do all you can for those who can’t help themselves. However, you are under no obligation to serve those who could do for themselves and instead choose to be mean or selfish. The people who voluntarily work with mean and selfish people are called saints. Being your best does not obligate you to seek canonization. You can’t impose your will on others. You can only encourage good behavior as you set a positive personal example. You can make the personal choice to be positive as you brush aside the minor daily annoyances that everyone faces. You resist the temptation to compound the time given to petty problems by relating your travails to others.


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