Accepting Daily Life 2

On occasion, letting the moment pass is difficult. You may feel slighted or indignant. You may feel that you have every right to strike back. Discipline yourself to remain silent when you are angry. This isn’t easy for anyone. Anger saps your energy and can cloud your reasoning. Find a way around it. Wait. Breathe. Consider. This is self-control. Do your best.

You are cut off in traffic. The incident is already over before you can react. Why upset yourself? The offender is gone. Do you want your success in life to be judged by how many cars you can pass until you lose your license, are in an accident or swerve in front of someone even crazier than you? You can choose to play road rage and “follow the loser” or you can choose to get back to enjoying your favorite music as the incident passes.

Your medium steak is delivered well done. You can eat the steak. You can wait for a new steak to be re-cooked. These are your only choices. You cannot undo the past. Get upset and ruin the meal for everyone or relax and enjoy your wine while the staff corrects the problem.

The queue at the Registry of Motor Vehicles is thirty minutes long. This line was not formed just to annoy you. Remember your Action Principle®, “Always Bring A Book.” Take out your electronic book and wait your turn. You are experiencing everyday life. Be patient. Others notice those in control.

Is it personal? Is it permanent? Look at the motive of your offender. Most angry, negative people are not out to get you. The road-rager has no idea who you are. Neither does the chef nor the Registry clerk. They are wild, mad and upset. Let them be. They are ruining their lives. Don’t let them affect your moment. Don’t argue in haste. Consider your options after a good night’s sleep. Pray to understand, accept and live with the truth.


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