At this moment

Life is an unending series of choices.

At this moment, you can choose to find reasons to be resentful, fearful, abandoned and disappointed.

Or, at this moment, you can choose to find reasons to calm your mind, feel loved and successful and be at peace.

You are who you think you are.  Positive or negative, good or bad, you are your thoughts.

If you have thoughts of self-improvement, at this moment, let those seeds of growth begin to sprout forth.  Immediately, put those thoughts into a plan and start to take action.  At this moment, you unfold; you blossom into the new improved, happier version of yourself.

At this moment, you have the determination to do all that you can do to forge your mind, body and spirit into the cohesive best you.

At this moment, some may encourage you and some may discourage you but this is others speaking of their vision of you.  At this moment, it is how you see you in your minds eye that is most important.

At this moment, believe yourself to be a mindful individual, a tough, thoughtful, spiritual person of action.  At this moment, act accordingly and forever more be content.


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