Be proud of the calluses

Too many people look at where they are and imagine that this is where they must always be. They feel somehow trapped by the status quo. They look at the people who have what they want and think that those people were somehow lucky or blessed.

This overlooks all of the things that people have overcome to be where they are. If you look at the rich you may admire all the exterior trappings of their wealth. You cannot see the rocky path they may have walked to arrive at financial success. If you could look inside their hearts and minds, you might be surprised to find the many obstacles they have overcome. Perhaps there were obstacles far greater than you face. You might also be surprised to discover that despite all they overcame they succeeded using simple, practical principles. Remember that it’s not where you start that counts but the joys you experience along the path. If you say that you can’t do it, the world will believe you. If you say that you can do it, the world will await the proof.

Be proud of the calluses that personal accomplishment puts on your hands. Get more education. Work harder. Network. Relocate. Risk. Get in the game. Compete. Self-reliant and confident, make success happen.


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