Build Your Team

As a Master of Success™, find others with a common mindset and form alliances, working together to your mutual benefits. Always be on the lookout for talent.

In building your winning team in athletics or business, don’t be afraid to pick people who are stronger, faster, smarter, better organized, braver, more ambitious, funnier or more pleasant than you are. Ask your best people for recommendations. Think about the spirit on the best teams you were ever on and how your teammates cooperated in reaching a common goal. Think about the dignity and respect your teammates showed to one another. Think about how you were able to rebound from losses to plan and win again.

You want your team to be built on excellence. You want your team built with members of merit and character. You want individuals with the self-discipline to give a full effort and, if necessary, sacrifice for the good of all.

Excellence is excellence and is not subject to conditions of race, color, creed, national origin, etc. If people are the best qualified to fulfill the team’s or company’s mission, then that’s what they are. If they are not, they are not.


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