Cause Positive Change

The status quo may be comforting, but for there to be growth, there must be change. You must see yourself and your environment not only as it is, but also as it could be. Take the life your were given and grow.

As you learn, you change. You can choose to change your mind and the direction of your life. Accept it or change it. No one knows you better than you. You know the positive changes that you should make in your life. Can you exercise more, study harder, work more productively, save, invest, smile, pray, volunteer, follow-up, take the initiative, be more pleasant, and spend more quality time with those who need you? Can you get up and stand tall when it would be so easy to sit still?

What are the possible consequences of not making positive change? Dong little with your life is much easier and safer than studying, working hard and taking risks, but then you will be a small person. Remember that change may be easy. It is sustaining that positive change which may be challenging.

Be a Master of Success™ and seek the positive changes which will allow you to be all that you can be.


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