Challenges 1

You are the person responsible for saving yourself from the mounting stresses associated with daily living. You are the one who has to rebound from the inevitable mistakes and disappointments associated with being a person of action. To be successful, you must move beyond the comfort of the status quo and risk. As you move through the learning curve toward the better you, at times you may feel that you have every right to feel discouraged. You will feel that you should have listened to those who advised caution or inaction. It will be tough to maintain a positive mental attitude in spite of the setbacks and the occasional “I told you so.” These are the important moments of decision. It’s when you hear the criticism or when you realize that you have made a big mistake. It’s when you have to admit that a lot of time, talent and money may have been wasted. Will you choose to quit or bounce back? It is how you decide to react in these challenging defining moments that ultimately will make all the difference. Stick to it. Even if you can get away with it, do you really want to be a pathetic little person forever hiding in the background while others take the risks and do the hard work?

You are the one who must decide to become tough enough to withstand the consequences of mistakes, failures and cynicism. You are the one who must step forward, volunteer, and say, “Don’t worry. I’ll do it.” You are the one who must decide to be kind enough to treat others as you wish to be treated even when the reverse doesn’t happen. You are the one who must decide to dare to risk in pursuing a course of action leading to wealth. You are the one who has to deal with the daily annoyances of the rude, indifferent and incompetent behavior of others. Most of the time, most people are self-absorbed and focused on their own little circles. This isn’t good or bad, this is reality.


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