Communication Is the Key

Communication is a two-way street.

There is the soft. Good communicators are good listeners. Listen twice as often as you talk. Use two ears and one mouth. The word communication comes from the Latin word “cumminico” meaning “to share.” Don’t get stuck on transmit. Pay attention. Be aware of body language. Give and expect respect. Be open and flexible. Don’t wait for the other party to be positive. Be positive first. Be unafraid of the consequences of truth, sincerity and honesty. The truth fears no question. You must work to create an environment for relationship building.

There is the hard. At home and at work, someone must assume the reins of leadership. There will be times, as a parent or manger, when the appropriate communication will be a simple, “No.” Successful families and businesses are not socialistic cooperatives. There is a parent, a boss, who still has to make the big and tough calls. You can not and should not wait for full consensus. You hear everyone out and then you, the parent, the boss, make the decision. You can explain the decision but you still must make the decision.

Your word is your bond. You say what you mean and you mean what you say. Only make promises that you can keep.


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