Complete the mission

You have a clearly defined mission.

You want to get an M.B.A.

You want to start your own business.

You want to buy six properties.

You want to write a novel.

You want to run a marathon.

Here is what you know.

“You will complete this mission.”

It may take you six months or six years or sixteen years.

You will complete this mission.

You may have to drop a course.  You may have to find new partners.  You

may have to sell one property to buy two.  You may have to self-publish.  You may have to concede that you can run 26 miles in four hours but not in three hours.

You will stumble and learn as you go.  You may be delayed and disappointed as you go.

You will complete this mission.

As a mindful person, you accept that the process, the work, may not be fast or pretty.  The road may be rocky.  You will be challenged.  You accept.  You adapt.  You progress.

Woe to anyone who may doubt your will.

The mindful person is powerful.

You will complete this mission.


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