Fear Nothing

“The man who can do without EVERYTHING is afraid of NOTHING.”


Can you not smoke for a day?

Can you skip a meal?

Can you walk five miles?

Can you ask for a raise?

Can you quite a crappy job?

Can you walk out on a useless class?

Can you not associate with negative people dragging you down?

Can you spend time with a elderly parent?

Can you clean your car?

Can you organize your desk?

Can you not buy the pair of shoes you really don’t need?

Can you give money to a stranger in need?

Analysis what you might fear doing?

What you fear doing may be holding you back?

Test your personal boundaries.

Push out.

What you fear may dissipate.

What you fear and test and survive will probably make you stronger.

As a Master of Success, you understand that life is not always fair.

As a Master of Success, you take your knocks and rebound.

No bitching, moaning, whining or complaint, you rebound.



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