Finding Your Career Path

As a Master of Success, you have direction. You have prepared. You have a clear career path, a solid work ethic and a pleasant personality. You are someone who appreciates the opportunity to work and who shows that appreciation to his employer by being productive. Successful corporations are successful because of the elite few, like you.

You are in control. You pick. There are 5,000 different business and people have been successful at all of them. If you love soccer or fishing or computers or cooking or travel, find the jobs that are associated with your love. Find a career that you’d love doing. When you love your career, work doesn’t seem like work. Others have done and are doing what you want to do. Why not you? Based on that career choice, identify the opportunities and get noticed: join associations, work part-time, take internships, volunteer and be willing to start at rock bottom. Make every day a learning experience. Identify the movers and shakers and model yourself after them. See the next step up and place your foot on the rung. From a supervisory perspective, you do not want to be seen or treated as just another drone. You want to be seen and treated as a valuable asset, an indispensable asset. There is power in being needed.


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