Forget Level Zero

If the point is to be healthy, then any of the three levels are acceptable. Moderate exercise or better is the goal. Exercise shouldn’t be relegated to the weekends. Exercise should become a habitual part of your daily routine. On Level One, you are healthy but your physique may not draw comment. On Level Two, you are healthy and look good. On Level Three, you are healthy and are on call for the magazine cover shoot. The only bad level is Level Zero.

We can all make a decision to try to live to be 90. Babies born in this new millennium may well live to be 100 and beyond. We are all subject to genetics and accidents but we can be in control of most of the rest of what’s important about what we eat and whether our activity level is sufficiently high to be considered exercise. There is no such thing as old age when it comes to lifting weights or training to run in a marathon or studying to become a black belt in karate. Get over the excuses. Realize that there are no shortcuts. Realize that healthy living takes some degree of sacrifice and some degree of discomfort. Make healthy living a gift that you give to yourself.


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