
Most franchises provide turnkey business set-up, operations management and training.

As a Master of Success, you ask yourself if you need the hand holding and support. You are a thinking person of action. Be patient and conduct the research. Some franchises are worth the money and some are a joke. All franchise operations have some failed units. Ask the franchisor why the failure occurred and be satisfied with the answer. Certainly, before investing lots of money and time, you must fully understand the business and make the commitment necessary to succeed.

Here is the essential test before committing to buying any existing business or franchise.   Forget the brochure and the power point presentation. Get your hands dirty. Identify the best existing franchise locations and volunteer to work at one of them for a few days or weeks. See the good. See the bad. See it all. Determine if this is really how you want to invest your money and spend your time. Can you replicate what has made this particular franchise unit successful?

Get beyond the hopes and prayers and initial euphoria. Be brutally honest. Hard work you can do. A staff you can train. However, a bad business concept, a poor location or depressed local economy may be fatal.


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