Giving Back

As you progress further along the road to mastery, something interesting starts to happen. Even as you acquire more, you wants become fewer. You become increasingly content with what you already have.

Having worked harder and smarter than most others, by having been a careful spender and saver, by investing wisely, you will have more than you need. So you will have the wonderful opportunity to give it back to those who have made your success possible and those in true need.

Remember your parents, teachers coaches, clergy and mentors. Remember your teammates, customers, clients, patients, tenants, voters and fans. People who fell appreciated will remain loyal and will become your goodwill ambassadors as they happily sing your praises to others.

Remember names, anniversaries an birthdays. Give your money but even more importantly; give your time, you influence and your genuine concern.

Be a giving person and you will never be lonely. Stand where you are and open your eyes. Right before you, there are those in need and those who deserve a thank you. Be generous and then forget it.


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