Hear The Tornado Warnings

Listen for a deep rumble that builds into a roar. Think freight train, jet engine or waterfall. Watch for strong winds and a greenish sky, low dark clouds and hail. Stop everything and seek shelter.

If available go to a specifically dedicated tornado shelter. Otherwise, head for the basement or a lower floor.   Smaller rooms, closets, bathrooms, stairwells, hallways in the center of the structure are preferable. Stay low, face down and away from windows and exterior walls, and get under a heavy table or desk. Cover your body with mattresses, or sofa cushions. Beware of any heavy objects that might fall on you. In a larger building, an elevator may be a safe haven.

You want to be in a sturdy shelter. Generally, mobile homes are not safe.   In a car, if tornado is far away, drive in the opposite direction of the tornado’s path. If the tornado is coming straight for you and is close, park out of the path of traffic, get out of the car, and head for a building. If you are stuck in the car, crouch below the windows and cover yourself.

Do not go under a bridge or underpass. If not, look for a ditch or culvert to lie in while covering your head and neck and closing your eyes. A last resort alternative is to crouch next to a sturdy building. Avoid trees or signage that could possibly become airborne.

After the tornado, beware of falling debris, broken glass, fallen power lines, gas line breaks, flash flooding etc. Do not enter damaged buildings. Render help to the injured. Monitor emergency radio network.


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