How to pray

Faith enriches your life. Regardless of the name, there is one God. Belief in God is a wonderful blessing. You will have an anchor to secure your life. You will have a solid values base upon which to build your plans. You will have a guide to govern your business and personal life. You will have comfort in times of need. You will have thoughtful clergy from whom to seek counsel. You will have an ally in raising responsible children. You will have a place to meet nice friends. It isn’t easy to go to church or synagogue or the mosque every week or to follow the tenets of the Bible, Talmud or Koran. That’s why a faith in God translated into everyday life can become such an integral part of your success system. It takes some effort but the rewards of the effort are extraordinary.

With humility, submit. Every religion has prayers. A prayer is your conversation with God. Your success and happiness is God’s loving answer. Listen for God’s messages and instructions. Your selfless good works in helping others are your prayers put into action.

Hold your tongue. Give the homeless man a dollar. Don’t spread the gossip. Allow those in a rush to rush by. Do a good job at work. Study. Work on eliminating a bad habit. Smile. Give thanks. You are saying a prayer. Choose to live within this state of grace. God notices.

Choose a prayer book from your religion and choose a daily passage to ponder.


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