How to survive a riptide


Be aware that riptides, undertows, are normally associated with strong winds. Rip currents will pull you away from shore and not under water.

Riptides are generally less than 100 feet wide. You may be able to get attention on shore by waving your arms and yelling. If possible, keep your feet firmly on the ocean or lake floor. Remain calm. Do not swim against the current, which means do not swim toward shore. Swim parallel, sideways, to shore. When you feel you are out of the rip current, usually no more than 150 feet, head to shore. Best to swim diagonally to shore away from the riptide.

If you are in the middle of a riptide, another option is to float and allow the rip current to pull you away from shore and to free water. This shouldn’t be far. Once in free water, again, swim parallel to shore and when free of the riptide head to shore.


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