Life Teaches the Master

Many people find it difficult to accept criticism and will immediately assume a defensive pose waiting to counterattack. They are stuck on transmit. They only listen to hear for an opening so that they can strike back. They learn nothing. Can you reverse this thinking? Someone treats you in an inconsiderate way. You can get angry and strike back. Or, you can look at the incident as an opportunity to train your will and skill. Go with the force. When you are pushed, pull. When you are pulled, push. You can go further and in your mind you can thank the offender for presenting you with this opportunity to be the master of your emotions. To be mentally strong, you must practice and pass many of these small tests. It is not easy. It is the journey.

Of course, being human and imperfect, you accept that a critical evaluation of your efforts may be justified. Listen for constructive criticism. You may learn of mistakes that you can correct. You may learn of important steps that you may have skipped. You may learn of alternative strategies, perspectives, ideas and theories. You may be introduced to new successful models to copy. You may identify new resources or personnel who could assist your work. In any of these cases, criticism may be disguised as an opportunity for improvement. Life is teaching you a lesson if you pay attention.

You must be equally on guard against false praise. The well-meaning flattery of others may lull you into the belief that you can stop learning and practicing. You will never learn so much that you can’t learn more. You will never wish to stop growing. You are not easily tricked. Be the master.

There are times to intercede, render an opinion or defend. And, there are other times when if a situation hasn’t got anything to do with you, be quiet and stay out of it. Often, with reflection, you will see that it may be best to stick to your priorities and let others solve their own problems. Again, you can’t change others. You can only live as an example for others who choose to see.

You do not want to live a life where your happiness only comes from special events; birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, vacations or Saturday nights out. On your journey, you want to feel happy as you take each step throughout each day knowing that you are doing your best to both work and relax at your personal master level. You are doing this for yourself, those you love and those who are your responsibility. You are proud. You are calm. You are happy.


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