Manage Your Time – Manage Your Life

Manage TimeManage your time and manage your life. Let the past represent the old you. Free the new you, ready to burst forth! In your past, you may have been misguided or overwhelmed or have screwed up. That was then. Now, you are awakened, a different person. Now, you have clearly defined goals. So, research and find kindred souls and mentors. Plan your attack. If you need to prepare before advancing, do that. If you are ready to go, go.

If you need to return to school for a year to retake courses to qualify for a teaching degree, do it. If you are in a wheelchair but want to become a martial artist and three karate schools blow you off, there are a lot of other schools. You will find one who will work with you. Do it. If a bad credit score is hurting your chances for a small business loan, find out your financing options and start making amends. Do it. Without excuses, make this the defining moment of awakening when everything changes.

As you do your research, you may find new exciting opportunities that never occurred to you. You had thought about becoming a film director but discover that you really love set design. You wanted to become a coach but discover the rewards of being an athletic trainer. You thought about moving to a large city to become a developer but you start finding many construction opportunities in the suburbs. Discovery makes your life exciting. Research is time well spent.


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