Mindful Self-Defense

Mindfulness is being honest with your self and your situation.

The mark of a warrior is that he or she is “prepared.”

What can happen?  How will I respond if trouble breaks out?

This is not paranoia.  This is being a warrior.  This is being alert and aware.  You are a thinking person of action.

Being a warrior, your instincts develop.

You enter a room and you instinctively looks for ways out.

Experience gives you the tools to quickly assess those around you who are meek and those who are strong but silent.  You see the difference between the boisterous blowhard and the potentially dangerous aggressor.

You immediately fit yourself into the picture.

You have thought about who you are and how you should and would react to threatening situations.

If you are a bouncer in a club, you are being paid to maintain order.

If you are cop, you have authority to detain a suspicious person.

If you are not a bouncer or a cop, stand back.

A stranger who mocks his girlfriend is not the same as  a stranger who mocks your girlfriend.

As  a mindful person of action, you see and respond appropriately to your circumstance.  And, the appropriate action may be to ignore what’s happening or walk away.

If your sister insists on dating an abusive boyfriend, your options are limited.


If a bully at work is your supervisor’s best friend, your options are limited.

Yes, a piano is not likely to fall from a window but it could.  Look up.

Yes, there are predators who will take your things if you leave them unguarded.

Yes, you can humiliate the little guy in the club and he can go to his car, get a gun and come back and shoot you.

Yes, you can walk across the street and be hit by a teenager driver who is distracted while texting.

In the midst of the chaos of modern life, there are all kinds of people who are completely self-absorbed and who don’t see or care about their piano teetering on the window ledge.  For these people who drive at ninety, drink to excess, push in your face, swear, babble, boast and grab, you don’t exist.

Mindfully, calmly alert and aware, you must observe and be prepared to cover your own butt.


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