Not For Most People

Most people will never voluntarily place themselves in the path of rejection. They have zero interest in going door to door and having almost all of those doors rudely slammed in their faces. In contrast, the Master of Success reads “almost all” rejection as the beginning of success. “Almost all” means that some people will buy. Who would suffer twenty slammed front doors to mow one crummy lawn? You will. Of course, you were never interested in mowing one lawn for short money. You are looking for the opportunity to acquire a long term satisfied customer and a long term income stream.

As a Master of Success, you are never frozen in time. You stay active. If you are a lawyer, or a painter or a short story writer, you may be very talented but talent alone is rarely enough. You must learn how to promote yourself to showcase your abilities. You must be able to clearly define your next career goal and identify who or what it will take to raise you to that next level.

Following a traditional path, the novice lawyer wants to become a partner at a prestigious firm. The young painter seeks representation with a prestigious gallery. The first time novelist hopes for positive reviews from influential publications.


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