Parable of Mario 4

After the first year, Mario’s business has grown to the point that he can organize separate crews with separate managers. Mario works from a small office and co-coordinates projects. He is a problem solver. He begins giving back to his community. He plants trees and buys an outdoor seating bench for the town senior center. He makes sure that the town’s war memorials are properly landscaped. His voluntary activities are noted and he garners positive publicity for his business which garners more business. Mario does well for himself by doing good for others. His success isn’t magic. He provides a valuable service, does an excellent job and appreciates his customer.

In the coming years, Mario can continue to build on his strong base. Perhaps he starts a commercial cleaning division. Maybe he buys out competitors and smaller companies. He could start a retail/wholesale nursery. With his construction contacts, he may decide to enter the home or office building businesses.

Mario is a Master of Success; a tough, thoughtful, spiritual, person of action. He works hard and builds his business step by step by step. Take an idea and move that idea forward. Get going: research, attempt, build, adjust, hire, fire, appreciate and follow-up. Who is doing what you want to do? How can you do the same or better? Copy the leaders. Profit and invest back in the business. Find one customer, then two and then a hundred and two. Inspire your staff. “We work very hard. We do a great job. We all make good money. Mediocrity is not an option. Get with the program or get lost.”


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