Relationships with Children

You are the one who has to have the patience and firm resolve to raise responsible children. It is not the movies, television, social media, their friends or their teachers. It is you and them. You do not abdicate but rather accept responsibility for your children. You know what is right. Stand firm. Be patient. Make this investment in their early years and later rest assured. Some parents will raise children who will be self-reliant adults by age 20. Some parents will be living with adult age children for the rest of their lives.

Raising independent, mature, well-mannered children is one of life’s great challenges. It is work. The Action Principles® can provide one means for you to start positive conversations with your children.   The Action Principles® give you an opportunity to discuss goals, hard work, generosity and many other important character building topics.

As a parent, you must provide a strong moral and spiritual platform from which your children can grow. You must raise your children to become independent and self-reliant. You must work with them to develop a strong self-image based on a strong moral code. You do this with realistic praise and encouragement. You avoid false preaching and put-downs. Nothing will mean more than your good example.

The most important single thing that a father can do for his children is to love their mother.

Sometimes it may be tough to bring the entire family to weekly religious services. You go anyway. Why not start a family tradition of going to church and then as a family going out to breakfast or brunch at a restaurant? You can only pity the poor child who must face life’s challenges without a belief in God channeled through a strong parental example.

Correcting your children’s manners over and over again can get tedious. You do it anyway. Well-mannered children are welcomed anywhere and people do notice.


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