Relationships with Friends

Friends are your support network. You can be happy with a few good friends. You can be happy with a few good acquaintances. Being a friend presumes a commitment while being an acquaintance does not. You do favors for friends. You consider doing favors for acquaintances. You listen to friends. You can excuse yourself from listening to acquaintances. You must overlook weaknesses in friends. You can replace acquaintances.

You may dislike going to funerals and hospitals but you will do it all for a friend. Most people do not forget your acts of kindness toward them in their moments of need.

Some people need the strong emotional support of long friendships. They would feel lost without another kindred soul to discuss the highs and lows of life. They share their lives. Other quite happy people might find this close emotional bonding intrusive. They are quite content with acquaintance type relationships. They prefer a more private introspective lifestyle. They like to fish by themselves. They like to take a book to the park. They like to golf with the buddy’s but don’t want to be invited to the buddy’s grandson’s birthday party. They are quieter people.


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