Stand Up and Take the Risk

QUESTION: I would like to follow your advice and start my own business but I think there are too many risks involved. I don’t want to lose all my money. I am a cautious person and I don’t want to get hurt. Is this bad?

ANSWER: If you have to ask this question, you will never make it as an entrepreneur.
Entrepreneurs do risky things and some will end up losing a little time and money. It is inherent in the job. Proceeding along the learning curve, they will make some bad decisions. With hindsight, they will be shaking their heads and asking, “What was I thinking?”

As an entrepreneur, quietly and calmly, you will learn from your mistakes. And, tomorrow you will try again as a smarter person, as a more seasoned veteran.

This is successful living. This is embracing your days with a mission to accomplish. For the entrepreneur, a dull life is unthinkable. A willingness to get a little banged and bruised is much preferred to languishing on the sidelines.

You will not stock paint cans in a big box store. Take the risk and become the general manager.
You will not be the go-fer on a construction crew. Take the risk and become the developer.
You will not be the prep cook in a restaurant. Take the risk and become a famous chef.


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