The Building is on FIRE!!

Be prepared. Research your escape route and have an alternate plan. Know how many doors are between you and your exit. If possible proceed to lower floors; the roof is a last resort since it may be inaccessible. If you are forced to the roof, close door behind you and try to attract firefighters attention.

Leave everything behind. Smoke is toxic and can kill you. If the hallway is filled with thick smoke, you best bet is to stay put and wait for rescue. Put wet towels under the door or in other cracks to stop smoke from entering. If needed, place a wet cloth over your nose and mouth.

Use the window if this is your best option. However, if there is fire outside the window or obstacles below, don’t jump. Unless you life is in imminent danger, do not attempt a jump higher than two stories. If there is fire outside the window, keep window close and remove curtains or other flammable materials.

Use your cellphone to call for help. Put a sheet or clothing outside window to notify rescuers of your presence.   If available, fill tub or sinks with water and use water to cool down door or other hot surfaces.

Crawl or stay low as you find a safe way out. The air closest to the floor will be less filled with smoke and fumes. This makes breathing and seeing easier. Close door to keep smoke out if you have to return to room. Stay close to wall to maintain If needed, place a wet cloth over your nose and mouth.

Use the stairwells and not the elevators.

Use the back of your hand to test if a closed door is hot. If it is hot, do not open it. Use the other way out.

When you get out, stay out of the building.   Call 911 and allow the professionals to do their jobs.

If your clothes catch on fire, stop where you are. Don’t run. Quickly drop to the ground. Roll over and over. This will put out the flames.



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