The High Cost of Free 1

In a typical transaction, the residential sales process begins with a homeowner requesting a “Free Market Analysis.” It is hard to imagine that a homeowner who is about to enter into a financial transaction involving hundreds of thousands of dollars would opt to let the appraisal rest on a “Free Market Analysis.” Incomprehensibly, it seems that most homeowners rationalize that it would be foolish to spend a few hundred dollars on an independent professional appraisal when the local real estate agent is willing to do the job for nothing.

To market property, any owner relying on anyone except a superstar agent is making a big mistake; however, it is a common mistake that only creates a steady stream of profitable opportunities for you.

The real estate agent answering a listing call is always highly motivated. She is highly motivated to get the listing. The homeowner who calls a real estate agent is not speaking to an independent consultant who will offer objective advice. Instead, the homeowner is speaking with a commissioned salesperson who desperately needs listings to survive.



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