The Mindful College Student

Focus, attitude and  hard work are everything.

There is plenty of time to party and get rowdy while succeeding  far beyond the average.

As a mindful student in college, you are a serious person.  Mommy and daddy are back in the nest.  You have flown away.   You are free.  You have four years to study, work and have fun while guaranteeing your financial independence.  Don’t screw this up.

College is your path to a successful career where you will excel, be respected and well compensated.   You are more likely to be majoring in bankable subjects like business, medicine, computer science and engineering rather than conversational time fillers like French poetry, urban psychology or contemporary media studies.

Ignore your peers who see no harm in stumbling into classes disheveled, half-asleep and unprepared hoping to hear about “group” grading assignments.  You are in college and not the fourth grade.  If the class seems like a waste of time, don’t waste time and money, if possible, enroll in a more challenging class.

Make every class, especially in your major field, YOUR class.  You are an educational consumer.  You, or someone, is paying thousands of dollars to give you this opportunity.  Feel free to monopolize the classes with your specific questions.  You want to impress the faculty in your major field.  You want to learn from that faculty.  Also, you want to use faculty connections to secure internships, part-time employment in your major field and, ultimately, stellar recommendations to make you highly recruitable upon graduation.



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