Time Off 1

Action Principle # 59

Enjoy Your Quiet Time

Everyone needs quiet time in their day when they can just be with their own thoughts. This isn’t daydreaming. The serenity of quiet time can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. It can be traditional Zen or transcendental meditation, but it can also be taking a walk, gardening, making a pot of tea or taking a long, hot shower. You may wish to pray. Every day, take twenty minute to stop, reflect and enjoy being who you are. Think about the past, present, future or nothing in particular. Relax yourself and you will fee renewed. Tranquility will re-energize you. Without trying, you will be amazed at how your subconscious mind releases so many good ideas. As you reflect upon the true sense for your existence, you can better deal with hardships.

Just as the time you spend exercising strengthens the physical you, quite reflection strengthens the spiritual you. Quiet time also give you the opportunity to practice minding your own business. Take a deep breath and continue to breathe slowly and steadily. Look around. Use all of you senses. You will find contentment in the solitude.

You’ll need 20-30 minutes per day of quiet time. You need seven to eight hours of sleep every night. You need at least one day off per week. Since most hotels offer special weekend packages, consider treating yourself and family to a mini-weekend vacation every month. Two weeks of annual vacation is a good idea. Off time gives you time to put your life in perspective.


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