Using An Activity Log

Many time management systems advocate the use of an activity log. Over the course of a week, you record each activity throughout the day. Are you working, eating, sleeping, primping, planning, traveling, or gossiping? The log is supposed to identify non-productive patterns of behavior that you can alter.

Don’t kid yourself.

It is clear that most people don’t need a log to tell themselves ways to improve. Most are painfully aware of what changes they should be making. They just have to commit to those changes and they have to be persistent for the 21 days that it takes to replace an old, bad habit with a new, good habit. For example, reading business books is a positive activity. If you can’t find enough time to read, you can buy or download audio books or subscribe to podcasts. Sometimes drive time talk shows are funny and sometimes tedious. When they get repetitive, turn them off and start studying. This is a choice.

If you don’t pay bills until you have four copies of each, you will be deluged with paperwork. Make the choice to pay bills on the day they arrive. Handle paper once. Take charge of your desktop. Clean your desktop before you leave each night.

If you take an hour for lunch and just gab, take a half-hour and gab. Be aware of how you are spending your time so that you can make the best choices for yourself.


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