Why not you?

Why not you?

The human race has evolved as a direct result of the curiosity, toil and goodness of life’s winners. Successful living is not a new concept. The secrets of success aren’t hidden. Only the weak and lazy are waiting for the next magical self-help revelation. You already know what to do. The average fifth grader knows what to do. Study. Have a plan. Work hard. Adjust. Repeat.

There have always been successful people in every age and from every country. There have always been people of influence and fortune. Every page of history shows us individuals who made decisions to lead extraordinary lives and become generals, politicians, explorers, composers, builders, inventors and merchants. The style, attitude and habits that these people used to succeed are exactly the same that you can use. If someone else has done it before, then you know that it can be done again.

Why not by you?


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