Yes, thank you


You are in class and you hear your fellow classmates whining about the work load and how boring the professor sounds.  Mindfully, you say to yourself, “Yes, thank you.”

You are at a trade association meeting and you hear your competitors complaining about the economy and the unreasonableness of customers.  Mindfully, you say to yourself, “Yes, thank you.”

You start a new job and hear the veterans telling you how to slack off

and do the minimum.  Mindfully, you say to yourself, “Yes, thank you.”

You are at a local coffee shop and overhear a group lamenting that real estate prices are falling and will likely never recover in a lifetime.  Mindfully, you say to yourself, “Yes, thank you.”

You head into a club and you hear a bunch of guys bragging how stupid the women are in this town.  Mindfully, you say to yourself, “Yes, thank you.”

Nod to others, quietly smile and mindfully think, “Thank you to all those who are dependent and pessimistic and weak because all of you are opening the door for me to excel.”


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