YOU choose your life

Your life is formed by your choices.

You have the power to choose; to choose good over evil; to choose joy over sadness; to choose a fun-filled life over loneliness; to choose independence over dependency. You can choose prosperity. You can choose healthy living.

You can choose your career, your house, your car, and your life partner.

You can choose to be a positive role model for your children, employees, neighbors and co-workers. You can choose for yourself or you can allow time and circumstance to choose for you.

You have free will. Realize that the power to control comes from the power to choose. Life brings you hundreds and thousands of choices to make. You will make them every day.

Be prepared to choose love and self-respect and high achievement and service and inner peace.

Find your life’s purpose and pursue it with passion. You dream of a bright future while standing firmly in the present.

You will achieve prosperity and peace.

BEWARE of the naysayers who tell you otherwise.


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