You have connections

It is said that there are only six degrees of separation between you and everyone else in the world.

So you do know the guy, who knows the guy who knows President Obama and Paul McCartney and Lady Gaga and Donald Trump and Brad Pitt and Bill Gates.

There is an old saying that has stood the test of time for a reason “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know that’s important.”

Do you want to get into Harvard or sell foam fingers to the New York Yankees?  Do you want to open a surf shop in Key West or buy a ranch in Montana?  Do you want to buy a McDonald’s franchise or take a private lesson from a chess master?

Do you want to get a job selling Jaguars or sell your skills as a web designer?  Do you want to be the mayor or the top ice cream shop in the town?  Well, you know a guy who knows the guy.

You don’t always have to stand in the back of the line with the crowd.  You don’t have to look for any random job in the Help Wanted section of the newspaper.  Start thinking.  Start planning to put your special relationships to work.

Think mindfully.  After all, you have connections.


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