Get the information you need to make your own informed decision. This is your one life to live fully. Save time. Save your life. Do your own investigation. If you want to be a horse trainer or a Hollywood agent, your grandmother or the local auto mechanic are not your best informational resources. Talk to actual horse trainers and Hollywood agents. Join associations. Go to events. Volunteer. Find a way to interact with others in your field. With firsthand experience, honestly, identify the plusses and minuses, the good and the bad, the harsh realities and the glories of pursing your goals.
Whatever it takes, you are prepared to do it. Take internships. Go for coffee. Work in the mail room. Babysit the boss’s kids. If they ask you to scrub toilets, you smile and ask for the brush. Show your mettle to those with the power to move your career forward. With eyes and ears open, be where the action is.