When you see an alligator

An alligator has the strongest jaw pressure of any animal on earth.

Never feed, harass or try to catch an alligator. Most attacks occur at the water’s edge and during the months of May to September.

Stay a minimum of 20 feet away. In known alligator areas, swim or fish with a buddy. Be especially careful at night and near heavy vegetation where alligators like to hide. In a boat, don’t dangle limbs into the water. Carefully watch your children and pets. Mother alligators are fiercely protective of their young.

Alligators have short legs and aren’t very good runners. If charged, run away quickly in a straight line.

If caught, fight back. Get on the alligator’s back and try to apply pressure to the gator’s neck forcing it down. Best offense is to go for the eyes. Jab or poke the eyes. Secondary target is the snout. Use your fist or any available weapon.


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