Avoiding Problems with Family

As a Master of Success, there is a high probability that you will enjoy greater material success than other family members. Beware of overbearing relatives. Just because you have money, does not require you to be the family enabler. Hiring or renting an apartment to a relative is risky business. Likewise, lending money to family members is rarely a good idea. Giving a family member two hundred dollars as a onetime gift is usually a smarter bet than lending a family member five thousand dollars. When offered a “can’t lose” opportunity, be extremely guarded and stick to your area of personal expertise. Co-signing loans is rarely a good idea.

If you have raised your children properly, you will welcome working with them. However, if your own children, or nieces or nephews or siblings or neighbors do not have an exemplary work ethic; keep them at bay. Business is business. It is a big mistake to indulge the slacker. Better to leave the lazy kid lounging at home than to allow the entitled one to corrupt your workplace.

For good, you have raised your children. Your children have also been influenced by friends, institutions and various media. Inevitably, grown up children are going to make decisions that you don’t like. You can explain your dislike. You can caution them. Then, you can back off. Scold, praise, encourage, hug and let them go. They will live their own lives and they will bear the fruit or suffer the consequences of their own decisions.


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