Give Time to your Relationships

As a busy person, your social time will be important but limited. All of your social commitments are not equal. In your mind, you should have a clear frame of reference which you can prioritize.

For example, you prioritized list might be:

  1. Spouse 2. Children 3. Parents   4. Grandparents
  2. Brothers/Sisters 6. In-laws 7. Cousins, Aunts and Uncles
  3. Friends 9. Co-workers 10. Neighbors
  4. Church members 12. Club members 13. Others

Now, you know what to do. Commit to your responsibilities and don’t feel obligated or bad if you have to tell someone down the list of a schedule conflict.

Taking your family on a weekend get-away would be more important than a fishing trip with the guys. Taking your elderly mother shopping would be more important than helping your neighbor fix his car. These may not be the activities that you would prefer to do. These are the activities that you should be doing.

Start enjoying your trips to the bookstore and reading with the kids rather than always rushing to the golf course. Go to your neighbor’s barbecue and ask if you can bring your sister who doesn’t get many chances to go out. You can still play golf. You can still have a drink after work with the gang. Just put your needs and wants in their appropriate place. Be the best you.

As a Master of Success, you accept that you can’t correct every bad situation but can often do something to improve the situation.


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