Be Brutally Honest

You think strategically. Your mission plan has given you career direction. Being an ambitious person, you are constantly evaluating and re-evaluating your career status. Is your career advancing? Are you treading water and slowly sinking? Are you working in the right industry, for the right company and for the right bosses? All indicators must align or you adjust accordingly.

A mark of the master is to be honest, so be brutally honest because you are only helping or hurting yourself. If you are working in a record store or for a newspaper, your days of reliable employment may be numbered. For good or bad, digitization is drastically changing these dated industries. However, if you are working for an online music channel or online news service, your future prospects may be bright. If you are living in an economically depressed area, do you hang around competing over limited prospects or do you boldly seek your fortune where the new jobs are located? You must continually reassess your career. Are you swimming strongly with the tide or are you fighting against an upstream torrent? Is the work you are doing now and in the foreseeable future bringing you closer to mission accomplishment or not?


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