Be Frugal

Separate your wants from your needs. You want to work for all you need, not necessarily for all you want. You do not have to sentence yourself to a lifetime of hard labor for the false trappings of status. When you spend money on things you don’t need, you are stealing from yourself. Living on less can eventually yield much more. The simpler you make your life, the easier it will be to maintain. Think in terms of moderation and enjoying what you already have.

For a comfortable and long retirement, you need a solid asset base. You need investments. By investing 20% of your income for 20 years, you will be there. Work an extra half-day and earn an extra 10%. Stick to a written household budget and save 10% without seriously compromising your lifestyle. Invest the earnings and savings. Think what the average person will be doing, which is probably nothing. This will not be you.

Frugal is not being cheap. Cheap is shoddy and selfish. No one likes or wants to be around a cheapskate. Frugal is pragmatic. Frugal loves quality and lasting value. Be smart by being frugal.


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