Karate Lessons for Kids

Question: My son is twelve and is pestering me for karate lessons. I don’t live in a dangerous neighborhood and I just don’t see any practicality in spending seventy dollars per month on lessons. Can you give me some justification for spending the money?

Answer: Studying the martial arts will teach your son valuable self-defense lessons. Over the next eighty years of his life, he may encounter situations where he will be happy to have been trained.
But, learning self-defense techniques and even the fitness benefits are important but the training of the mind and spirit are just as worthy. You have goals and you meet those goals belt by belt. You work hard and you are proud of your accomplishments. You learn discipline. You develop self-confidence.

You stay out of trouble, make friends and have fun. Sounds like a good monthly investment and a true gift to your son, doesn’t it?

If your son is truly committed, give him some chores to do to earn some money toward his lessons. Then, you both win.


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