Yoga is NOT a Martial Art

Question: I don’t want to sound conceited but I am concerned about how I look. Really, I’m worried about taking karate lessons and getting punched in the face. If I got hurt, this would be a game changer for me. Can I get some assurance from a karate school that I won’t get messed up? Is yoga a good martial art?

Answer: Martial arts training is a physical sport. There are rules against excessive contact. You wear protective gear when sparring. No one wants to see you get hurt. But … guarantees, no. Especially at the brown and black belt levels, you can expect to get your share of black and blues. This is the learning process. Some degree of realism in your advanced training is important.

Yoga is great mental and physical exercise but is not considered one of the martial arts. If you want a softer approach to self-defense, you might want to investigate tai-chi.


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