Marine Corps Mindfulness

Being mindful, you understand that planning is essential to your mission.  However, being mindful, you realize that there comes a time when the planning is done and you need to act.

Mike Tyson said of Leon Spinks, “Sure he has a plan until the first time I punch him in the head.”

You have often heard of the “fog of war.”  When the bullets start flying, all hell breaks loose and chaos reigns.

Plans on paper are guidelines.  Plans in action require flexibility.

Here is the United States Marine Corp mindset, “Do your planning but when you find the odds 70% in your favor, that’s the time to go, go, go!”

You will never have perfect plans.  Seeking perfection is just one more lame excuse of the procrastinator.

Be minfdul.  Put the odds in your favor.  Get in the fight.  Adjust as conditions warrent.

How will you every start a business?  How will you ever buy six properties?  How will you ever lose 40 pounds?  How will you ever save your sister from drug addiction?

Be mindful.  Research.  Pick your best option.  Be a marine.  Go, go, go.


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