
It’s reality. The customer is not always right. Sometimes the reward is not commensurate with the hassle. Some home buying prospects will be prospects forever. They will never make up their minds. The smart realtor may decide to refer these eternally indecisive lookers elsewhere.

Many people are tone deaf, have no acting ability or the poise for ballet or the patience for golf or the aptitude to learn Farsi. Some people just aren’t very bright. Some people are lazy and others lack ambition. Some people are mean and selfish. Some people are stuck on transmit.

In some professions, your job may be to deal with the inept and the odd character. Do a good job. In most professions, if your instincts tell you to beware, beware. If you are in a two person partnership and your partner wants to hire her spouse and you are getting bad vibes, don’t do it.

If you own your own successful small business, do not hire problem employees. Do not hire problem employees, even to please your mother. You do not want to hire, even temporarily, your obnoxious, untalented malcontent of a cousin. He has a track record of bad decisions. You don’t have to follow suit. Always keep your priorities in focus; you are an entrepreneur and not the family social worker. It is better to listen to your cousin’s tale of woe and then lend him two hundred dollars. Do not hire him. Instead, let your loan be a good reason for him to avoid you.

Do not compromise your high standards. Have a written employee code of conduct which is understood and followed by everyone including you. Discrimination, bullying, stalking, threats and harassment are never acceptable. Gimmicks, tricks and lures in advertising are never a good policy. Cutting corners and deceiving customers is never OK. Some offenses warrant a second chance and some warrant immediate termination. Do not be intimidated or blackmailed into compromising your values. Stay strong and earn the respect of your employees and customers. If you make a mistake, honestly admit it.

 Successful businesses are about sales and profit and cash flow and minimizing expenses. Your best employees understand that you are in business to make money and not socialize. They will want to work for your company because you strictly enforce a serious business environment allowing them an opportunity to make money. At work, we work.

You solve most business problems by making more sales and more money.


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