Start Bootstrapping

Start bootstrapping. Find a product to sell and start selling to family, friends, neighbors, colleagues and local businesses. If you like driving, lease a limo or a truck and start finding customers. If you love baking, sell baked goods at farmers markets, to cafes and restaurants. If you love antique cars or rare books, find one car or book and then find a buyer. Find a buyer online or at a convention. Buy another classic car or rare book. Repeat. Build a business base with one satisfied customer at a time.

This is not easy.

This is not supposed to be easy.

Knocking on doors and selling is the hard part of the job. Delivering the product or service is the easy part. You are hardcore.

You do the hard things.

If you wish, you can save time and grow by hiring others to do the easy parts of the job. However, as the business owner, you can not delegate everything. You are still responsible for the rain making which means creating a buzz for your company.

You must find a continuing stream of new customers, making sure that those customers become your ambassadors, sing your praises and, ultimately, stay loyal, repeat consumers.


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