Be a little tough

It’s OK to be a little tough.  In fact, it is very good to be a little tough over and over again.  You are testing your mettle and forging your character.

Visit the lonely cranky neighbor.  Difficult?  Yes.  A voluntary task that most would avoid?  Yes.

Someone cuts in front of you in line or in traffic,  you take a deep breath and let it go.  Difficult?  Yes.  Most would react in anger?  Yes.

You want to see Sylvester Stallone in the “The Expendables” and your wife wants to see Julia  Roberts in “Eat, Pray, Love.”  You make your wife happy.  Difficult?  Yes.

On the way home from work, you want to stop for a beer with the gang but you remember your son’s Little League game.  You go to the game.  Difficult? Yes.

You are on a diet.  You forgo dessert and instead walk around the block and, then, walk around the block again.  Difficult?  Yes

There are many occasions throughout every day to be mindfully tough.  At many given moments, there are opportunities with short-term benefits that would make your life easier.  However, long term, having built the reserve of toughness, you will be able to survive and flourish as others with less backbone wilt in defeat and look for excuses.


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