Choose Entrepreneurship or Couch Potato

QUESTION: Why do you think your students are so well suited to becoming successful entrepreneurs?

ANSWER: Most of my students are either in college, community college or are martial artists. I like to think that they study with me because they consider themselves to be men and women of action.

They are in the game and you can only win the game if you are playing the game. Look around, you will always be able to find plenty of people without the courage to live their dreams who will tell you not to act. They will give you plenty of excuses to hang your inaction on.

Get in the game. Be a person of action. Will you make mistakes and wrong decisions and lose money? Probably. Will you have self-doubt at times? Probably. But, the only way that you will win the game is to be in the game. You have one life to live. You can choose how you want to live it. There are couch potatoes and there are the hard workers. The couch potatoes will lose. The hard workers may win.


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