The Mindful College Student

Two new reports have found that average college students study less than two hours a day.

One third of all college students study less than one hour a day!

Professors say that they presume, they hope, that their students are studying two hours for every hour of class.  With 15 credit hours, they presume that students are studying 30 hours a week.

Professor, do the math.  Haven’t you noticed that your students are studying less than half the time you expect.  Why does this sham continue? Obviously, many professors are motivated by being liked and getting good student evaluations.  For goodness sake, don’t be the one professor who rocks the boat.  You want tenure!  For the good of the university, keep the game going.

For college students, what are the consequences of not studying very much? The laughable fact is that almost all college grades are A and B.  As a student, if you do the minimum and get an A or B+ what is the incentive to do more?

Of course, there are long term consequences.  It is called the real world.  You graduate with a piece of paper worth the price of the paper.  You  are tens of thousands of dollars in debt, jobless and possibly unemployable.  You find yourself back at home in your old room wondering, “How did this happen?” .  Well, at least, you can comfort yourself looking at all your plastic trophies, medals and “good job” certificates.

What are the mindful elite 20% of college students doing?  Mindful college students are studying, they are taking internships and they are working part-time.

Most mindful elite performers, including college students, work 50+ hours a week.  This is not an unreasonable workload.  Mindful individuals realize that this is the real world commitment needed to succeed far beyond the average.


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